Stay Safe, Stay Small, Stay Inn logo

Dateline: Wednesday, March 3rd, 2022. 

We welcome visitors from all states without any testing, vaccination or quarantine requirements.

Sue & I would like to tell you about what we are doing to make your stay as safe, comfortable and care-free as possible. We know there’s a bunch of stuff to read here. If you’d rather hear about things directly, please call us at (207) 998-4976. Odds are either Sue or Roy (hint – it’ll probably be Sue!) will answer. And as the owners, well, the buck stops with us. You’ll get honest, sincere answers to all your questions and concerns. We’ll do our best to take care of you. Finally, with the below information in hand and the flexibility offered by our small Inn, we hope you’ll decide that you’ll be in good hands with us for your getaway, vacation, honeymoon, elopement or any other purpose for your visit.


Currently, guests from all states are exempt from all testing, vaccination and quarantine requirements.

For more traveler information, please review the State of Maine Traveler and Visitor FAQs.


The CDC maintains that exchanging room air with fresh, outside air is an arrow in the quiver of a COVID-19 risk mitigation plan. Unlike most hotels, our windows do open, so we will take advantage of that for your and our safety. As such we are committed to opening windows in guest rooms upon departure of prior guests. Those windows will be open for a period of time to circulate the fresh air into the rooms.

Though not required by any State or Federal standard or guideline, we’ve invested in air purification for the dining room. You’ll find two Blueair Blue Pure 211+ Air Purifiers in the dining room. They will be in use if it’s too hot, cold or rainy for the windows to be open in the dining room. These HEPA compliant purifiers are top rated units by both Consumer Reports and Good Housekeeping and are proven effective at removing viruses from the air. That said, none have yet been tested for COVID-19 removal. Nonetheless we felt something that has proven effective in removing other viruses could provide additional mitigation for both our guests and us in a space where people are gathering for breakfast and/or evening pizza.

Select Registry COVID safety logo


The safety of you and our team members is our highest priority. To achieve that purpose, we have implemented enhanced cleaning and sanitary measures at the Inn. The American Hotel & Lodging Association has, following CDC guidance, developed a new set of standards to ensure the safety of guests and staff. As well, Select Registry has established a set of Select Safe COVID safety standards. We have fully implemented these standards at the Wolf Cove Inn. Please feel free to read the Safe Stay standards.

To keep you safe, we have always asked our team members to stay home if they feel sick. We have reinforced this policy with them. If you are not well, tell us and don’t come to work. But Sue and I don’t want you to worry about the financial impact to our team that you know so well. We have always had, since we bought the Inn in 2013, a paid sick time policy. Our valuable team knows that if they stay home when ill, they’ll still be paid for the time missed.


  • We’ve implemented a self check in and check out process. Details on this are provided in the email you receive prior to your stay with us.
  • Though we are doing contactless check in, there will still be someone in the reception office and/or the kitchen from 2:00PM until 8:00PM every day should you have questions or needs.
  • When we see you around the Inn, we’ll forego that hug or handshake and instead you’ll receive a hearty, friendly smile. Roy will greet you with “Live Long And Prosper” and the appropriate hand sign!
  • We don’t automatically schedule your room for daily housekeeping during your stay. If you wish to receive a daily housekeeping of your room, you may indicate so on your breakfast menu you turn in each evening.
  • We’ve rearranged the tables in the dining room to give lots of elbow room. Even though social distancing requirements have been relaxed, we will still have plenty of space to keep you socially distanced if you so choose.
  • We’ve eliminated some self service aspects of our food service. Instead, you may request those self-service items when you complete your breakfast menu selection the night prior to your breakfast.
  • As well, instead of having afternoon fresh baked cookies available in the dining room, you’ll find them packaged in the slot for your room in the foyer where you found your self check-in materials.


In order for you to help us and other guests stay safe:

  • If you don’t feel well before arrival, please stay home, but let us know you aren’t coming.


Wishing you safety and peace,

Your Innkeepers, AJ, Sue & Roy