Antiquing – A Remedy for a Rainy Day

So, you’ve come to the Wolf Cove Inn to enjoy a few days of sunshine and warmth, wrapped in nature’s beauty. And it’s raining! Oh no – what to do? The answer is an easy one – go antiquing! Yes, there are many unique and interesting antique and gift shops a short drive from the Inn, each with its own style and character. So grab your umbrella and galoshes (does anyone have those anymore?) and head out to find that hidden treasure.


Antiquing Around The Wolf Cove Inn

Within fifteen minutes of the Wolf Cove Inn are a bunch of really wonderful antique and gift shops. You’ll find beautifully restored furniture, furniture in need of love, coins, antique weapons and all manner of collectables. Each shop has its own identity and focus so make a day of it and hit them all.  You never know what you’ll find to make your stay in nature’s paradise even more memorable. At the end of the blog you’ll have a handy little map I’ve created to get you around on your rainy day adventure.

The Barn on 26

Antiquing at The Barn on 26

The Barn On 26 Antique Shop

For our first stop, let’s travel down route 26 to Gray and pay a visit to Alice at The Barn on 26. Alice is a lovely woman who takes great pride in her work. At the Barn, they beautifully restore fine antique furniture.

Alice arrived at the 1820 cape next to the barn in 1977.  Adjacent to her home was a Shaker Barn built in 1870. Over the years, Alice restored that barn and evolved it from a small “garage-sale” venue into the landmark antique shop it is today.

At the Barn on 26 you will find a wide selection of furniture suitable for any room in your home.  Wing chairs – check.  Beds – check, Desks – check. Tables – check. And the list goes on. Surely you will find something to enjoy for many years.

Take a close look at the antique furniture in your room at the Wolf Cove Inn. Odds are at least one item is something we purchased from Alice at her fine shop.

Poland House

Antiquing at Poland House

Poland House Antiques and Gifts

For our next antiquing stop, we’ll backtrack on route 26 to Poland House in, you guessed it, Poland Maine. Poland House is a completely different world from The Barn. The owner, Steven Cormier, has focused his shop on antique novelties, clocks, dolls, lamps, holiday decor and all sorts of other stuff. This place is PACKED. For those who love to browse, you could probably spend a good couple of hours leisurely perusing the wares.

It’s actually quite amazing the amount and variety of goods. There are over one million items packed into 17 rooms! There is a quilt room, a Christmas room, a gift area, and tables chock full of oil lamps. If you are a collector of salt and pepper shakers, you’ll find that there too. If fact, some of the salt and pepper shakers you see on the breakfast tables at the Wolf Cove Inn came from Poland House, including the fork that ran away with the spoon.

The Willows

Cool Stuff At The Willows

From Poland House we’ll go antiquing up the road about ten minutes to The Willows Flea Market in Mechanic Falls. The Willows is the largest antique and flea market in Maine.

One word describes this place – big. If just one floor, it would be big. However, comprised of three floors, I think BIG makes a better adjective.

The Willows has something for everyone. Antiques? Check. Collectibles? Check. Old books? Check. Good old fashioned LPs? Check. And so much more.

The Willows is open Thursday through Sunday. If you decided to make a day of it, you won’t go hungry. You can grab some lunch there as well.

Route 26 Antiques

Pa's 2

Antique Rifles at Pa’s Antique Attic

Antiquing at Pa's Antique Attic

Pa’s Antique Attic in Oxford Maine

From The Falls Country Gift Shoppe we’ll take a scenic drive through Mechanic Falls and Oxford to Route 26 Antiques (also known as Pa’s Tradin’ Company) on route 26. From the outside it may not look big, but it sure is on the inside and it’s chock full of interesting and diverse items.

Pa’s is arranged in a pod series fashion, each with its own feel. You’ll find everything you’d expect at an antique shop at Pa’s. What I found quite interesting was the extensive collections of sleds, rifles, guns and coins. You’ll also find a great collection of antique jars, both glass and ceramic, that will suite many decorating needs.

And yes, there are items from Pa’s at the Wolf Cove Inn too. You’ll find an egg salt and pepper shaker on one of the tables. And that cow from which you pour skim milk into you coffee – yep, from Pa’s.

Downtown Norway Maine Antiquing

Just 10 minutes further down the road from Route 26 Antiques is downtown Norway Maine. Main Street is home to a few antique and vintage shops. Read more about what’s available in my Norway Maine blog.


Map To Get You Around

Just click on the menu box in the upper left hand corner of the map to add driving directions for the antiquing journey I describe above.


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