Do You Want To Enjoy The Beauty Of McLaughlin Garden & Homestead?

Yes you do! McLaughlin Garden & Homestead is a treasure here in western Maine. Located in nearby South Paris, it is only 13 miles from the Wolf Cove Inn, a romantic B&B in Maine. So if you love beautiful gardens, read on to learn more about the McLaughlin Garden & Homestead. 



McLaughlin Gardens Lilacs

McLaughlin Gardens/Facebook – Path Among The Lilacs

McLaughlin Garden & Homestead

The century old farmstead holds the gardens, massive stone walls and a huge barn. In 1936, Bernard McLaughlin started planting stuff. And planting, and planting. Eventually he’d plant on 2 of the 4.5 acres. Whenever the gate was open, Bernard was happy to host garden enthusiasts from near and far. Over the years, Bernard single-handedly tended to the gardens. Eventually he became known as the “Dean of Maine gardeners.”

After his passing in 1995 at the age of 98, the gardens came under the stewardship of the McLaughlin Foundation. For 20 years the Foundation and its volunteers have maintained and expanded this grand property. The Foundation recently announced the acquisition of the adjoining Curtis property. Planning is underway for the incorporation of this property into the gardens. When complete, the gardens will be double in size.

McLaughlin Gardens Lilacs In Bloom

McLaughlin Gardens/Facebook – Lilacs Bloom In Maine Mid-May Through July

The McLaughlin Garden

The gardens offer two distinct vibes. The formal gardens consist of mature hostas, daylilies, astilbes, iris, phlox, sedum, cimicifuga, sempervivums, and over 200 lilacs. The lilac collection is the largest in Maine. Conversely, extensive natural wildflowers and ferns border an old, winding lane leading up to a wooded hill.

McLaughlin Garden Illuminated Event In July

McLaughlin Garden/Facebook – Garden Illuminated Event Happens In July

Plan Your Visit

McLaughlin Garden is open from mid-May through the end of October. They have quite a full calendar, focusing on seasonal-themed events. These events include an illuminated garden in July and a Jack O’Lantern festival in October.

McLaughlin Garden Jack O'Lantern Festival In October

McLaughlin Garden/Facebook – Jack O’Lantern Festival In October

What You Should Know

Admission is free.

Tours are available. The tour guide describes the plants in the gardens. Furthermore the guide describes the history of the garden itself. Please call the gardens for information on pricing and scheduling.

The gardens open for the season on the Friday before Mother’s Day.

In spring through autumn, the garden is open dawn to dusk. The homestead, barn and gift shop are open 10-4 Wednesday through Sunday.

No dogs and other pets.

You may take photos. However there are restrictions. Please read their photography policy.

McLaughlin Garden & Homestead

97 Main Street, South Paris, ME 04281.


McLaughlin Garden Lighted Barn During Garden Illuminated Event

McLaughlin Garden/Facebook – Lighted Barn During Garden Illuminated Event

Visiting The Area

McLaughlin Garden is only one of the many wonderful activities available when you stay at the Wolf Cove Inn.  There are great activities available year round.

Other activities include:

Located right on Tripp Lake, we are your home for romantic getaways in Maine. Enjoy luxurious amenities, gourmet breakfasts and beautiful sunsets. Furthermore, we serve wonderful coffee from Carrabassett Coffee Company. And if you really want to indulge, enjoy a relaxing spa treatment in any of our spa friendly rooms.


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