Exploratory demolition has begun. We’ve been pulling things up and down, and poking holes all around, so we can find out what lurks within this grand old Wolf Cove Inn. Our architect, carpenter, plumber, electrician, flooring and ceiling folks need better views of what’s there to plan the details of construction.
Renovations Underway
The carpet is up and the ceiling is down in the grande room. We can now see how to route the plumbing for the changes in the second floor bathroom. The renovated bathroom will become the grand bath and spa for the new second floor suite that combines with the two rooms that previously shared the bath. The new suite will be called the Winter Harbor Suite.
Formerly a bathroom, this will become a new kitchen in our quarters. By having a separate kitchen from the Inn kitchen we can now present late afternoon wine, cheese and appetizer tastings.
What was the Inn office will become a dining area. The hole in the wall lets the plumber and electrician see what’s going on with wiring and pipes. That hole will become the hallway to the new kitchen.
Tripp Lake is a frozen, winter wonderland right now. This day we were treated to a beautiful (and chilly) sunset.