Special Nature Imagery at Its Best

Nature Imagery

Pine in Blueberry Field by John Orcutt

The nature imagery of local photographer John Orcutt is celebrated throughout the Wolf Cove Inn. Our guests are delighted by the scenes of “quintessential Maine” captured by John, set on canvas and on display around the Inn.

John’s artistry tells a visual story of the beauty of Maine. You’ll find a variety of portfolios in his collection covering the breadth of landscapes that make Maine truly special. Those portfolios include:

  • “Field and Forest”,
  • “Coastal Maine”,
  • “Mountains, Lakes and Rivers”, and
  • “Villages and Cities”.

All but one of the above portfolios is represented here at the Wolf Cove Inn. Can you find which one?


Set shoreside on Tripp Lake in Poland Maine, the Wolf Cove Inn is nestled within nature’s beauty. That setting inspired the theme for our 2014 renovation – “bring the beauty of nature inside.” The photography of John Orcutt, a winter neighbor of ours at Sugarloaf who shares our love of the outdoors, does just that.

Nature Imagery

Mussel Shells by John Orcutt

Nature Imagery by John Orcutt

Once we decided our theme for the Wolf Cove Inn, we needed to find a special artist to feature at the Inn. Well it just so happens John and Cynthia Orcutt’s former Schoolhouse Gallery in Kingfield, Maine was founded on celebrating the richness of Maine’s natural landscapes. A perfect match! The gallery was home to an inspiring collection of nature imagery.

John and Cynthia moved into the world of nature photography following successful careers as an architect and landscape architect respectively. Their goal is to showcase the beauty of nature that awakens an innate desire to preserve and protect those fragile places. Sue and I find their work motivates us to do our part to preserve that which makes Maine such a special place.

Nature Imagery

Chanterelles by John Orcutt

John Orcutt Photography on Display at Wolf Cove Inn

When Sue and I were selecting the nature imagery to display at the Wolf Cove Inn, we had a goal to showcase the variety and vastness of Maine’s landscape. And being a Maine Bed and Breakfast, food needed to be in the mix as well.

All of the images in this post are on display at the Wolf Cove Inn. If you see something you like, be sure to give John or Cynthia a shout. Better yet, head on up to the Schoolhouse Gallery and peruse the vast collection of fine artwork on display. And you’ll get the added bonus of meeting Cynthia and John.

Nature Imagery

Wire Bridge in New Portland, Maine by Cam Held of Schoolhouse Gallery

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wedding arbor by frozen lake at sunset with snow on the ground and ice on trees